OneSeed Green Ads

Offset consumer engagement with a planted tree

Increase Consumer Engagement

Add This Ad Plants Trees badge to any digital campaign to increase click rates! LinkedIn, Facebook...

Reward Consumers with Actual Trees

For any action you choose - lead capture, white paper download, subscribing.

Generate Brand Stickiness

Brand sponsor message follows trees when shared or regifted.

Company Green BIO Page

To promote your sustainable messaging, total number of trees planted and carbon captured.

Green Brand Image
Long Term Benefits
OneSeed Badges and Banners (2).png

How it works

Create your campaign. Choose an option.

MyAds.Green Logo (8).png

Completely hosted

With integrated landing page builders and lead capture forms, you can generate a single campaign link for your online ads.

TRY IT LIVE (and get a tree)

Or just the tree

We integrate with all lead capture tools to generate a tree reward as the final step in your campaign.

This ad plants trees.png

Green badge

Let your prospects know that your ad is "green" by adding a OneSeed badge or message.

Ready to become more sustainable?