Integrate transparent tree planting into your business

Easy and innovative ways to become sustainable, with options to engage customers and employees in your sustainability story

Complete traceability

Our reforestation partners use the OneSeed TreeVerify® app to capture every tree as it is planted. The data collected enables you to verify every tree you plant.

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Meet your tree

For every customer or employee action, create an equal tree-planting reaction. Plant trees as a reward for completing everyday actions.

The data collected through the TreeVerify® mobile app provides a rich user experience for every recipient with their very own tree.

Know the species, when and where it was planted, how much carbon it is capturing, and much more.

Conscientious companies changing our world

Ross Parsons

Director of Pursuits, JLL

The offering from OneSeed is practical, meaningful, and innovative. It was very easy to work with the team at OneSeed, who provided a range of options for what I was looking to achieve, which was increased engagement and feedback on a training initiative.

The JLL group were very impressed by the tree planting, which is really brought to life and made real by being able to track the progress of your tree. Whether it’s for internal initiatives to improve employee engagement or external client engagements, there are so many ways we can work with OneSeed again, and we definitely will be.

Ready to get started?

Contact us to start planting trees.
This is a GREEN form. We will gift you your own planted tree on submit as a thank you.

Prefer email? Reach us at
