OneSeed TreeVerify® App

Just one of the ways we combat "greenwashing" risks. Proof that your tree was planted with GPS coverage and a photo to ensure healthy planting practices. Most tree planters just tell you they planted a tree, which includes risks of double counting, poor seedling quality or planting practices. Our TreeVerify® mobile app ensures every tree is accounted for and reviewed for quality.

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What we capture and track for every tree

Healthy planting photo evidence

Exact GPS position

Unique Identifier and planting time

Correct species and planting site details

Rich data enables a rich user experience

Integrate trees into marketing campaigns and loyalty programs to reward user engagement actions with a planted tree they can visit virtually.

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Ready to get started?

Contact us to start planting trees.
This is a GREEN form. We will gift you your own planted tree on submit as a thank you.

Prefer email? Reach us at
